Artes de la Rosa Cultural Center Box Office

2023 Selena POP Portrait Master Painting Class


Back by popular demand!!!

We remember and celebrate La Reina de Tejano, the legendary Selena Quintanilla.

Artes de la Rosa invites you to our portrait painting event, a canvas POP-style painting class of the iconic Tejano Star, Selena.

Professional artist and ADLR instructor, Juan Velazquez, will guide you through a step-by-step process in completing your very own POP canvas. The class will be located in our Galería de la Rosa.

All art supplies will be provided, master class instructions and you'll walk out with your 16x20 canvas.

Drinks and snacks will be sold.

Cost: $50/person

Please Be Advised: Alcohol will be present on-premise. Individuals under the age of 21 will need to be accompanied by an adult over the age of 21.

Reserve your seat today.
(Class limited to 25 participants. A waitlist will be created after the class is filled for the potential to open a 2nd class.)

All funds benefit programming for Artes De la Rosa

fin 2023 Selena POP Portrait Master Painting Class

Online sales for 2023 Selena POP Portrait Master Painting Class concluded on April 16, 2023. For tickets to upcoming Artes de la Rosa Cultural Center events please visit our website at

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Event &
Venue Information

2023 Selena POP Portrait Master Painting Class
Sunday April 16, 2023
1 date available
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Galeria de la Rosa - POP Portrait Painting
1440 N. Main St.
Fort Worth, TX 76164
Driving directions