Oklahoma Community Theatre Assoc. Box Office

OCTAFest 2025 Technical Tournament

Technical Tournament Information

The Oklahoma Community Theatre Association is excited to bring back our Technical Tournament at the 2025 OCTAFest. Tech Tournament is for any group of 4 to 6 members who are willing to participate in both team and Individual events.

For all those who are interested in participating,

1. Form a team of 4 to 6 people

a. Each member must be an 2025 OCTAFest registrant - $125.00

2. Pay Team Fee for Entry - $50.00

3. Fill Out Registration Form

a. Team Information

b. Team Member Information

c. All Members Sign Liability Waiver

When the Registration Form is filled out and the Team Fee Paid then review the Oklahoma Community Theatre Association's Technical Tournament event breakdown along with the rules and regulations.

Fully realized theatre productions would not be possible without the technical staff to build and implement the scenery, properties, costumes, sound, and lighting. There are some basic skills every good technician should learn and practice to be a well-rounded theatre maker. The purpose of this Olympiad is to test your knowledge of some of these basic skills. The combination of team and individual events underline the principle that theatre technicians work alone and in ensemble groups depending on the required task in order to make the production successful. In technical theatre, both time and accuracy are critical to a successful outcome. As artists, we demand excellence in the tasks we are given, but as technicians we also have to perform the tasks quickly and efficiently so as not to disrupt the production process.

2. Make a Difference. Make a Donation.

We graciously request a minimum donation amount of $10.00.

Donation Campaign Amount
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Event &
Venue Information

OCTAFest 2025 Technical Tournament
Thursday March 20, 2025
1 date available
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Gaslight Theatre, Enid
221 N Independence
Enid, OK 73071
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Last Updated: April 16, 2010

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