Greater Rockwall Youth Symphony Box Office

Summer Luau Fundraiser Concert

2024 GRYS Summer Luau Fundraiser Concert - Music, Food, and Fun

Show your support for our students by coming to our 2nd annual Summer Luau fundraiser concert! Patrons will enjoy a live performance from our amazing kiddos followed by a festive dinner provided by our generous food sponsor, Occasions at Stone River. The performance will feature a bouquet of musical enjoyment, including solo works, chamber music, and orchestral selections. Thank you in advance for your support of the arts in our community and for our children.

fin Summer Luau Fundraiser Concert

Online sales for Summer Luau Fundraiser Concert concluded on June 15, 2024. For tickets to upcoming Greater Rockwall Youth Symphony events please visit our website at

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Event &
Venue Information

Summer Luau Fundraiser Concert
Saturday June 15, 2024
1 date available
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The Center at Rockwall City Place
108 E. Washington St.
Rockwall, TX 75087
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